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segunda-feira, 30 de junho de 2014

Google: Android Getting Better Mobile Payments And Commerce Features

Google: Android Getting Better Mobile Payments And Commerce Features:

By pymnts @pymnts,

Last week, Google had a pletho­ra of announce­ments at its annu­al Google I/O devel­op­er con­fer­ence about “What’s Next.” Includ­ed on that list were ideas for bet­ter options for mobile pay­ments, …

Foodpanda App for Android and iOS Gets Cashless Mobile Payment Option

Foodpanda App for Android and iOS Gets Cashless Mobile Payment Option:

Users can now order food via the Android and iOS apps using the new cashless mobile payment via their linked credit cards.

Banks in the UK Wake Up, Join Mobile Payments Market

Banks in the UK Wake Up, Join Mobile Payments Market:

Lack of stan­dard­ized, scaled tech­nol­o­gy adop­tion from both cus­tomers and mer­chants in the UK has held back the coun­try’s mobile pay­ments mar­ket, accord­ing to a new eMar­keter report. How­e …

Emerging Payment Technologies Will Create New Winners And Losers...

Emerging Payment Technologies Will Create New Winners And Losers In The Giant Credit Card Industry

John Heggestuen,

The cred­it and debit card ecosys­tem is much big­ger than Mas­ter­Card, Amer­i­can Express, and Visa.

Scores of com­pa­nies play dif­fer­ent roles in the sys­tem as inter­me­di­aries, most of them as merchant-facing ven­dors that pro­vide the…

How to Replace Your Wallet With Your Phone Sylvan Lane,...

How to Replace Your Wallet With Your Phone

Sylvan Lane,


There’s some­thing lib­er­at­ing about walk­ing around with­out your wal­let. No giant clump of leather, plas­tic or fab­ric press­ing itself against your thigh. No awk­ward out­lines in your pock­et. No shuf­fling and shift­ing in your sea…

BBVA launches NFC payments based on Visa HCE specifications

BBVA launches NFC payments based on Visa HCE specifications:

Sarah Clark,

BBVA has become the first bank to launch a commercial NFC payments service that makes use of Visa’s cloud-based payments specifications. Customers in Spain with an Android NFC handset can use host card emulation (HCE)…Read the rest of BBVA…

As Mobile Payments Should Chim­pChange is an...

As Mobile Payments Should Be

Chim­pChange is an app based, web inte­grat­ed mobile pay­ments start-up look­ing to improve the way the younger gen­er­a­tion move money between each other.

Bluefin Payment Systems Partners with GoSmallBiz to Provide...

Bluefin Payment Systems Partners with GoSmallBiz to Provide Quickswipe Mobile Payments - GoSmallBiz

Bluefin Pay­ment Sys­tems, the lead­ing provider of secu­ri­ty and pay­ment tech­nol­o­gy to retail­ers and Inde­pen­dent Soft­ware Ven­dors (ISVs), has part­nered with to pro­vide Blue …

Now credit unions could offer pioneering mobile payment services, too

Now credit unions could offer pioneering mobile payment services, too:


Barclays handing credit unions free access to the technology behind ground-breaking service Pingit after more than 2.5 million sign up to use it

McDonald’s Plays With Mobile Payments in Georgia Lauren Johnson,...

McDonald’s Plays With Mobile Payments in Georgia

Lauren Johnson,

Over the past four months, McDonald’s has been testing mobile payments within a branded app in the Columbus, Ga., market after several years of experimenting with efforts in other pockets of the country.A rep for McDonald’s confirmed that the bran…

The McDonalds Mobile App: Fast Food Meets The...

The McDonalds Mobile App: Fast Food Meets The Future

McDon­alds Cor­po­ra­tion has leaked that they are test­ing a pilot pro­gram using a newly devel­oped mobile pay­ment app ( geared to mak­ing their fast food even faster.

McDon­alds Cor­po­r …

sexta-feira, 27 de junho de 2014

Can Mobile Money Extend Financial Services To Smallholder Farmers

Can Mobile Money Extend Financial Services To Smallholder Farmers:

Stephanie Hanson,

Kenya is widely acknowledged to be a global leader in mobile money. Over two-thirds of its adult population uses M-PESA, the mobile money system launched in 2007 by Safaricom.But even in Kenya, many are not using M-PESA. I know many smallholder…

ITU sets up mobile money focus group

ITU sets up mobile money focus group:

Chris Udemans,

The ITU said over 2.5 billion people do not have access to bank accounts, most of them in developing economies.“Internationally standardised ‘mobile money’ platforms will increase financial inclusion to the benefit of socio-economic development…

LevelUp offers restaurants real-time customer feedback

LevelUp offers restaurants real-time customer feedback:

Rian Boden,

LevelUp has added in-app surveys to its mobile payments platform, enabling restaurant owners to collect feedback from customers and respond straight away to any complaints. The idea, LevelUp says, is to give merchants a way…Read the rest of…

McDonald’s Is Quietly Testing Its Own Order-Ahead And...

McDonald’s Is Quietly Testing Its Own Order-Ahead And Payments App McDonald’s…

McDon­ald’s Is Qui­et­ly Test­ing Its Own Order-Ahead And Pay­ments App McDon­ald’s is qui­et­ly test­ing an order-ahead and mobile pay­ment app at a tiny hand­ful… - Hotel & Restau­rant Con­sult­ing …

MICROS and Elavon Deliver Secure Payment Technology

MICROS and Elavon Deliver Secure Payment Technology:

Integrated Approach Can Put Businesses on the Fast-Track to Data Security

Braintree’s CEO explores the rise of seamless mobile payments at...

Braintree’s CEO explores the rise of seamless mobile payments at MobileBeat

VentureBeat Staff,

Mobile is eat­ing the world — and as it does, it’s enabling some pro­found shifts in how we live.

We’ll be dis­cussing how the rise of mobile is mak­ing pay­ing for things, and sim­ply exchang­ing money with friends, eas­i­er than ever before at…

Waitresses will receive payment for standby Roi Mitler,...

Waitresses will receive payment for standby

Roi Mitler,

Jun 27, 2014 - The Knes­set decid­ed to fight the “stand­by with­out pay­ment” phe­nom­e­na, the assem­bly approved a leg­is­la­ture that employ­ers will have to pay employ­ees that are wait­ing on st …

How to Choose a Mobile Payment Over the...

How to Choose a Mobile Payment Provider

Over the past two weeks, we’ve looked at ben­e­fits of mobile pay­ment sys­tems for busi­ness­es and the advan­tages they pro­vide to con­sumers. Now it’s time to decide: what are the fac­tors you nee …

Mobile Recharge and Bill Pay

Mobile Recharge and Bill Pay:

What’s New

ver­sion 3.3

- Crit­i­cal bug/crash fixes.

- Lots of enhance­ments in the app inter­face to make your expe­ri­ence eas­i­er and smoother!

- Lots of improve­ments in how the app uses inter­net.

- …

Mobile apps may prove useful for...

Mobile apps may prove useful for nonprofits

Mobile mar­ket­ing is increas­ing rapid­ly as smart­phone and tablet usage grows among the every­day con­sumer. As a result, both for-profit and non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions are begin­ning to tap into …

Why Is The Starbucks Mobile Payments App So Successful? Quora,...

Why Is The Starbucks Mobile Payments App So Successful?


Answer by Brian Roem­mele on Quora,

No sin­gle com­pe­ten­cy is enabling us to ele­vate the Star­bucks brand more than our glob­al lead­er­ship in mobile, dig­i­tal, and loy­al­ty. Star­bucks is a clear leader in mobile pay­ments and …

Banks lag behind retailers, telcos in providing mobile...

Banks lag behind retailers, telcos in providing mobile wallets

Banks world­wide are in trou­ble, at least as it relates to their posi­tion in pro­vid­ing mobile wal­lets that rely on a pre­paid card as the pri­ma­ry pay­ment instru­ment. And banks cur­rent­ly lag …

BetterDoctor’s New Mobile Health App Integrates Medicare...

BetterDoctor’s New Mobile Health App Integrates Medicare Provider & Payment Data

HIT Consultant Media (HIT Consultant Media),

BetterDoctor, a company focusing on simplifying doctor discovery and booking has announced today that its mobile health app is the first to integrate Medicare’s provider and payment data. The Medicare procedure and pricing data integration will he…

Foodpanda App for Android and iOS Gets Cashless Mobile Payment Option

Foodpanda App for Android and iOS Gets Cashless Mobile Payment Option:

Users can now order food via the Android and iOS apps using the new cashless mobile payment via their linked credit cards.

Ibotta Couponing App Makes Shoppers Earn Each...

Ibotta Couponing App Makes Shoppers Earn Each Offer

Ibot­ta, a twist on a mobile coupon­ing app, is dri­ving traf­fic to mer­chants by mak­ing con­sumers per­form tasks to earn cash-back offers.

Ibot­ta, a twist on a mobile coupon­ing app, is dri­ving t …

PayPal Opens to Nigerians Rushes for the Millions other Payment...

PayPal Opens to Nigerians Rushes for the Millions other Payment Companies have…

Pay­Pal Opens to Nige­ri­ans Rush­es for the Mil­lions other Pay­ment Com­pa­nies have been Enjoy­ing Online money trans­fers serve as an elec­tron­ic alter­na­tives to… - Hope Eno - Google+

How to be the Best Salesman in

segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2014

Tech News! CPC, Sweep Card and PayBux. “All-digital...

Tech News! CPC, Sweep Card and PayBux. “All-digital government financial…

Tech News! CPC, Sweep Card and Pay­Bux. “All-digital gov­ern­ment finan­cial trans­ac­tions seen in five years”Accord­ing to Depart­ment of Bud­get and… - Michael Patrick - Google+

Expedia embraces Under­stand­ing how to pay...

Expedia embraces Bitcoin

Under­stand­ing how to pay for trav­el on with bit­coin

Under­stand­ing how to pay for trav­el on with bit­coin

Expedia accepts payment with bitcoin for hotel...

Expedia accepts payment with bitcoin for hotel booking

If Bit­coin is no longer the one in the media now that the case has been Mt.Gox for­get the most famous crypto-currency con­tin­ues to trace its way. And it can now count on a new ally: Expe­dia, the

Sector RoadMap: the U.S. mobile payment market in 2014 Kristina...

Sector RoadMap: the U.S. mobile payment market in 2014

Kristina Yee,

1Exec­u­tive Sum­ma­ry

The mobile pay­ment sec­tor is evolv­ing quick­ly and chaot­i­cal­ly, with incum­bents and star­tups com­pet­ing for not only mar­ket share but also the abil­i­ty to estab­lish the busi­ness’ rules and tech­no­log­i­cal…

Travel giant Expedia now accepts Bitcoins as payment for hotel...

Travel giant Expedia now accepts Bitcoins as payment for hotel bookings in the US

Sayan Chakravarty,

Five years since its inception, the digital currency Bitcoin’s roller coaster ride continues with analysts across the world still unable to predict its fate. The collapse of Japanese Bitcoin exchange MtGox, following…Continue Reading Travel giant…

Money: Facebook’s Final Frontier. Why Payments, Not...

Money: Facebook’s Final Frontier. Why Payments, Not Virtual Reality, Are Its Next Holy Grail


Facebook is back in the payments lab trying to figure out a way to get users to share their most intimate information.

Dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing is a boom­ing busi­ness, with the mar­ket expect­ed to approach $200 bil­lion annu­al­ly by 2017. But …

Concept Sunday: Artefact Token puts your wallet on your...

sexta-feira, 6 de junho de 2014

Toppay - Sem fila para pagar

More than half a trillion spent on credit and debit cards in 2013

More than half a trillion spent on credit and debit cards in 2013:

Spending on plastic cards topped £0.5trillion for the first time last year as shoppers moved further away from cash.

Restaurant Payments App Cover Launches In San Francisco Ryan...

Restaurant Payments App Cover Launches In San Francisco

Ryan Lawler,

Pay­ments app Cover wants to make it eas­i­er for restau­rant goers to “dine and dash.” To do so legal­ly, at least. And now it works in select San Fran­cis­co restau­rants, in addi­tion to those that accept it in New York City.

The app lets use…

Toppay - Sem fila para

Toppay - Sem fila para

Toppay - Sem fila para

Toppay - Sem fila para

Toppay - Sem fila para

Google Wallet-A glimpse into the future of mobile...

Google Wallet-A glimpse into the future of mobile payment

Grow­ing up, I remem­ber watch­ing car­toons, It was said that the Jet­sons, was the wave of the future, that you could get a glimpse of what the future might look like. The Jet­sons lived in the year …

Tecnologia - PanHotéis - Bematech e Toppay têm aplicativo para...

Tecnologia - PanHotéis - Bematech e Toppay têm aplicativo para pagar contas

Reprodução do aplicativo que a Bematech criou em parceria com a Toppay (foto divulgação)

A Bematech, empresa especializada em soluções tecnológicas para o food service, varejo e hospitality, e a Toppay …

Another Top Executive Is Leaving Clinkle, The Stealth Payment...

Another Top Executive Is Leaving Clinkle, The Stealth Payment Startup That Raised $30 Million

Alyson Shontell,

Hop­kins was recruit­ed by for­mer Clin­kle COO Barry McCarthy to the start­up late last year; they worked togeth­er at Net­flix. McCarthy left Clin­kle in Feb­ru­ary and a num­ber of other Clin­kle employ­ees have either left or been let go over …

Ten Days in Kenya With No Cash, Only a Phone By Charles Graeber,...

Ten Days in Kenya With No Cash, Only a Phone

By Charles Graeber,

“Taxi, sir?”

It’s often the first thing a vis­i­tor to a for­eign coun­try hears, an offer of ser­vices before he’s found his feet. It always feels like an invi­ta­tion to get ripped off, and it fre­qu …

PayPal Moves Quickly To Integrate Apple's Fingerprint Reader Into Its Apps

PayPal Moves Quickly To Integrate Apple's Fingerprint Reader Into Its Apps:

Keith Griffith,

Pay­Pal is mov­ing quick­ly to inte­grate the iPhone 5S fin­ger­print read­er into its mobile pay­ment apps.

Yes­ter­day, a team of Pay­Pal devel­op­ers attend­ed a ses­sion on Touch ID, Apple’s fingerprint-scanning sys­tem, at the com­pa­ny’s…



Easy Bill Pay

Leave your Util­i­ty and Ser­vice Bill Pay­ment Bur­den to us

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v Get Rs 103 bal­ance just on Rs 1 …

Contactless Payment Users will Reach 300 Million by 2017 David H...

Contactless Payment Users will Reach 300 Million by 2017

David H Deans,

Since 2011, expectations have been high that mobile contactless payments — enabled via Near Field Communications (NFC) — would rapidly gain traction around the world. This has not come to pass.The number of consumers making contactless payments vi…

8 Best Apps to Pay and Transfer the Money Online By Riyank,...

8 Best Apps to Pay and Transfer the Money Online

By Riyank,

Google wal­let Google Wal­let, is very quick­ly and steadi­ly gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty. It requires a basic NFC chip, which is cur­rent­ly being incor­po­rat­ed into toda

Google wal­let Google Wal­let, …

Biometrics Eyed for Secure Future Mobile Payments devadmin,...

Biometrics Eyed for Secure Future Mobile Payments


Payment experts emphasized biometrics as a likely future payment authentication technology at the recent Biometrics Institute Asia Pacific Conference. Kiwibank’s Tony Eyles says biometrics offers a better experience for customers while also…

Bangalore based Mobile Payment Start-up starts operation in Kenya

Bangalore based Mobile Payment Start-up starts operation in Kenya:

Ban­ga­lore based start-up iKaaz starts it’s oper­a­tion in Kenya as a joint ven­ture with Kenya’s Fam­i­ly Bank. After com­plet­ed a fundrais­ing in last Jan­u­ary, iKaaz already start­ed it’s con­ta …

Uber Confirms $1.2 Billion in Funding, $17 Billion...

Uber Confirms $1.2 Billion in Funding, $17 Billion Valuation

Todd Wasserman,


Uber on Fri­day announced that it had raised $1.2 bil­lion, bring­ing its val­u­a­tion to $17 bil­lion.

"It’s remark­able that it was only four years ago this week Uber start­ed oper­a­tions in [San Fran­cis­co], con­nect­ing res­i­de…

Toppay - Sem fila para

Restaurant Payments App Cover Launches In San Francisco Ryan...

Restaurant Payments App Cover Launches In San Francisco

Ryan Lawler,

Pay­ments app Cover wants to make it eas­i­er for restau­rant goers to “dine and dash.” To do so legal­ly, at least. And now it works in select San Fran­cis­co restau­rants, in addi­tion to those that accept it in New York City.

The app lets use…

domingo, 1 de junho de 2014

Sector RoadMap: the U.S. mobile payment market in 2014 Kristina...

Sector RoadMap: the U.S. mobile payment market in 2014

Kristina Yee,

1Exec­u­tive Sum­ma­ry

The mobile pay­ment sec­tor is evolv­ing quick­ly and chaot­i­cal­ly, with incum­bents and star­tups com­pet­ing for not only mar­ket share but also the abil­i­ty to estab­lish the busi­ness’ rules and tech­no­log­i­cal…

Bitcoin mobile payment terminals move a step closer Supertyler |...

Bitcoin mobile payment terminals move a step closer

Supertyler | May 29, 2014 | bitcoin | No Comments,

Bit­coin enabled mobile pay­ment tech­nol­o­gy is

com­ing­prob­a­bly here.

This Fri­day (May 30) evening in Lon­don’s vibrant city-fringe, tech savvy enthu­si­asts, investors, and all those enticed by n …

The Real Opportunities in Mobile Payments

The Real Opportunities in Mobile Payments:

Eventually, opportunities associated with value added services driven by data analytics and the growth of mobile money will converge.

Finland burger chain uses Seamless mobile app for payment and loyalty

Anita Karve - Can Your Mobile Payment be...

Anita Karve - Can Your Mobile Payment be Trusted?

Anita Karvé

Can Your Mobile Payment be Trusted?

Near Field Com­mu­ni­ca­tions (NFC) as a method of enabling mobile pay­ments and other trans­ac­tions has been the source of a lot of promise for a lot of …

MyECheck Licenses Mobile Payment System to Three Companies

MyECheck Licenses Mobile Payment System to Three Companies:

MyECheck, a payment technology developer, has licensed its mobile payment system to three companies.

Mobile Payment Terminal: Customer Experience Is...

Mobile Payment Terminal: Customer Experience Is Everything

Posted by Matthew Moore on Wed, Oct 23, 2013 @ 09:00 AM,

Pro­vid­ing a great cus­tomer expe­ri­ence at your restau­rant starts with pro­vid­ing fast and secure pay­ment process­es through a mobile pay­ment ter­mi­nal.

Mobile Security: What You Should Know about Mobile Payment

Mobile Security: What You Should Know about Mobile Payment:

Andrea Eldridge is CEO and co-founder of Nerds On Call, an on-site computer and laptop repair service for consumers and businesses. Andrea Eldridge,

If you’ve no­ti­ced of­fers at your gas sta­ti­on or gro­ce­ry store to “pay with your phone,” you’ve seen what many claim is the fu­ture of how we’ll pay for goods and …

Another of Canada’s Major Banks Launches NFC Payments admin,...

Another of Canada’s Major Banks Launches NFC Payments


By: Dan Balaban Canada’s TD Canada Trust today announced the launch of its NFC-enabled TD Mobile Payment service, a Visa-branded credit application, which will be available on NFC SIM cards issued by all three of Canada’s major mobile…

monexgroup: Canada looks towards a cashless...

monexgroup: Canada looks towards a cashless …

Cana­da looks towards a cash­less mobile pay­ment pro­cess­ing future - MON­EX­group offers sup­port.