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sábado, 31 de maio de 2014

Infographic of the Week: Why Restaurants Are Investing in Mobile...

Infographic of the Week: Why Restaurants Are Investing in Mobile Payments & Marketing

Nina Meijers,

From restaurant chains like Starbucks, Panera and Wendy’s announcing mobile payment rollouts to smaller restaurant players getting on board with payment apps like Cover, the restaurant world is abuzz with mobile app news. But how widespread is the…

Fast Food by Phone: Wendy's Joins Mobile Payment Crowd

Fast Food by Phone: Wendy's Joins Mobile Payment Crowd:

Wendy’s is rolling out a pro­gram that lets cus­tomers pay using their smart­phones, fol­low­ing a sim­i­lar plan unveiled by Burg­er King this week.

The Wendy’s Co., based in Dublin, Ohio, has been te …

sábado, 24 de maio de 2014

PXT Payment - Mobile Monday-Boston- Mobile Payment Solution...

LevelUp - Mobile Monday-Boston- Mobile Payment Solution...

Imagine only having to carry your smartphone to buy things -...

Imagine only having to carry your smartphone to buy things - this is now a…

Imag­ine only hav­ing to carry your smart­phone to buy things - this is now a real­i­ty. Although pop­u­lar in Europe, tap-and-go mobile pay­ment facil­i­ties have… - Solen­tive Soft­ware - Google+

Another Push to Pay With Smartphones at Vending Machines

Another Push to Pay With Smartphones at Vending Machines:


SEAT­TLE — If any­thing should be able to get peo­ple to use their smart­phones as mobile wal­lets, it’s vend­ing machines.

I can’t be the only one who has han­kered for a bag of chips in one of those machines, only to dis­cov­er that my money w…

SpendSmart Payments Company's Cutting-edge Mobile Marketing Division Makes Canada Debut

SpendSmart Payments Company's Cutting-edge Mobile Marketing Division Makes Canada Debut:

SMS Masterminds Crosses U.S. Border to Boost Businesses’ Success, Customer Relationships

The U.S. leader in mer­chant mobile loy­al­ty mar­ket­ing has com­plet­ed its North Amer­i­can expan­sion by mov …

Where Are Small Businesses in the Mobile Revolution?

Where Are Small Businesses in the Mobile Revolution?:

By pymnts @pymnts,

Small busi­ness­es own­ers are becom­ing increas­ing­ly reliant on mobile bank­ing and trans­ac­tions. Accord­ing to a recent Bank of Amer­i­ca blog post, small busi­ness own­ers (SBOs) are “out­pac­i …

Google Glass wearers nod to new Eaze payment...

Google Glass wearers nod to new Eaze payment application

Michelle Saettler,

Eaze claims it’s the first glassware payment appEaze released the beta of its ‘Nod to Pay’ application for Google Glass, enabling owners of the wearable tech to make bitcoin payments with simple head movements.The ‘glassware’ activates upon the vo…

One in five handsets will have mobile wallet capabilities by...

One in five handsets will have mobile wallet capabilities by 2018

John Kennedy | | |,

One in five smartphones will have mobile wallet functionality by 2018 and one-third of mobile wallets will feature contactless payment capabilities, according to a new forecast.

The lat­est report from …

Apple is getting ready to get into the health industry. If our...

Apple is getting ready to get into the health industry. If our instincts are…

Apple is get­ting ready to get into the health indus­try. If our instincts are cor­rect then at this year’s WWDC we will see the intro­duc­tion of a new app… - Lou Hat­ter­s­ley - Google+

Google has added PayPal as a payment for mobile applications

Google has added PayPal as a payment for mobile applications:

Tue 20 May 2014

Users of Android devices can now use Pay­Pal as a pay­ment option when pur­chas­ing mobile appli­ca­tions from Google Play in 12 coun­tries includ­ing the U.S., Cana­da and Ger­many.

In …

Credit Card Processing and Mobile Checkouts Explained Douglas...

Credit Card Processing and Mobile Checkouts Explained

Douglas Karr,

Mobile payments are becoming commonplace and a solid strategy for closing business faster and making payment processes easier on the customer. Whether you’re a ecommerce provider with a full shopping cart, a merchant with mobile checkout (o…

Using Loop with my phone at

Mobile App Development: 5 Worst Security Dangers -...

Mobile App Development: 5 Worst Security Dangers - InformationWeek,

Address these areas when build­ing apps — or brace your­self for a PR and lia­bil­i­ty night­mare should an attack­er find and exploit a flaw.

Mobile payments take-up mixed in Europe

Mobile payments take-up mixed in Europe:

WARC, 17 Novem­ber 2011

PARIS: Con­sumers in Rus­sia and Turkey have proved quick­er to adopt mobile pay­ment and com­merce tools than their coun­ter­parts in nations like the UK and Ger­many, a study …

Mobile Search Reshapes the Path to Purchase

Mobile Search Reshapes the Path to Purchase:

Con­sumers still pre­fer to com­plete pur­chas­es on desk­tops, but mobile search is play­ing a key role at the begin­ning of the pur­chase path, accord­ing to a new eMar­keter report. As a result, ma …

Africa’s Mobile Payment Movement Empowers Populations Long...

Africa’s Mobile Payment Movement Empowers Populations Long Ignored by Traditional Banks

Christopher Smith,

I was recent­ly involved in a spir­it­ed dis­cus­sion with a cou­ple of peo­ple online. The sub­ject? The per­cep­tion that African coun­tries are some­how lag­ging behind the rest of the world in terms of tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tion. I argued…

Android Is Top Dog in Mobile Ad...

Android Is Top Dog in Mobile Ad Traffic

Android Is Top Dog in Mobile Ad Traf­fic


Shake­ups are excit­ing. In sports, we often root for the under­dog. In pol­i­tics, a change of order can mean for­ward progress. In busi­ness, it mea …

First Cipurse-compliant contactless cards issued in Brazil

First Cipurse-compliant contactless cards issued in Brazil:

The world’s first contactless smart cards compliant with the CIPURSE open security standard are now being used in different projects in Brazil.

McDonald's Austria launches mobile order-ahead and payment app

McDonald's Austria launches mobile order-ahead and payment app:

Con­sumers in Aus­tria can now use the Quick Mac mobile app from McDonald’s Aus­tria to order ahead and pay for …

sábado, 10 de maio de 2014

PayPal releases mobile payment app for the Samsung Galaxy S5...

PayPal releases mobile payment app for the Samsung Galaxy S5 fingerprint reader

Kevin C. Tofel,

With the Sam­sung Galaxy S5 now avail­able, Pay­Pal is mak­ing good on its promise to use the hand­set’s fin­ger­print read­er. The com­pa­ny released mobile apps specif­i­cal­ly for the Galaxy S5 and Sam­sung’s lat­est wear­ables on Fri­day. Usin…

Stressing Out Over Cash on Vacation Jennifer Stalzer,...

Stressing Out Over Cash on Vacation

Jennifer Stalzer,

So there you are humming along, you’re having a great time and then WHAM, you think to yourself, do I have enough cash on me?You know that feeling, kind of stresses you out doesn’t it? Especially when on vacation, stressing out over cash is the la…

The Mobile Payment: Is It Safer than the Credit Card?

The Mobile Payment: Is It Safer than the Credit Card?:

Jeffrey Powers - @geekazine,

Hope you had an awesome Easter weekend. The temperatures took a swift kick and spring all of a sudden was here. Bought a firepit to enjoy in the backyard – along with some new found bicycling trails around the area here. Catching up on everything …

Meet The Mobile Payment App That’s Taking NYC Restaurants By...

Meet The Mobile Payment App That’s Taking NYC Restaurants By Storm, 6 Must-Attend Food Tech Events + More

Nina Meijers,

Every week we curate and deliver the latest food tech news, trends and startup resources to our readers’ inboxes. We track the top technology and innovation happenings across agriculture, CPG, retail, restaurants, cooking and health, so our…

iOS 7’s iBeacons could solve indoor mapping, make shopping...

iOS 7’s iBeacons could solve indoor mapping, make shopping better, and kill NFC

By Jeff Blagdon,

With all of the focus on iOS 7’s UI changes, the more sub­stan­tial developer-facing advances (details of which are still under NDA) haven’t been get­ting quite as much atten­tion. Some of the most promis­ing improve­ments are being made to the…

TfL poised for payments by smartphone

TfL poised for payments by smartphone:

Mobile operators have held talks with Transport for London about ability to pay for tickets as part of shift towards contactless payments

How Big Data Can Expand Financial Opportunities For The World's Poor

How Big Data Can Expand Financial Opportunities For The World's Poor:

Capital Flows,

By Diana Tay­lor and Michael SchleinDiana Tay­lor is Chair­man of the Board of Accion. Michael Schlein is Accion’s Pres­i­dent and CEO.

Two and a half bil­lion peo­ple live in pover­ty and lack access to the finan­cial tools tha…

30 Simple Tools For Data Visualization GAVIN MCLEOD,...

30 Simple Tools For Data Visualization


Need a simple tool to create a fantastic data visualization? Here are 30.

There have never been more tech­nolo­gies avail­able to col­lect, exam­ine, and ren­der data. Here are 30 dif­fer­ent notable pieces of data visu­al­iza­tion soft­ware goo…

What the future of mobile payments could look like on the...

What the future of mobile payments could look like on the iPhone

Alex Heath,

Apple is work­ing on its own mobile pay­ments solu­tion, per mul­ti­ple reports from places like The Wall Street Jour­nal. Exact­ly how the com­pa­ny plans to imple­ment such a ser­vice remains to be seen.

Tim Cook has made it clear that…

EasyPay: What Mobile Payments Could Look Like on the iPhone Over...

EasyPay: What Mobile Payments Could Look Like on the iPhone Over the past several months multiple rumours…

Nick Salerni,

EasyPay: What Mobile Payments Could Look Like on the iPhone

Over the past several months multiple rumours and reports have suggested that Apple is working on its own mobile payment system. Apple CEO Tim Cook has hinted about mobile payme…

Apple’s 800M User-Strong iTunes Mobile Payment...

Apple’s 800M User-Strong iTunes Mobile Payment Gorilla

Digital Apps,

iTunes has racked up near­ly dou­ble the amount of cred­it cards on file than Ama­zon. The above chart high­lights the sur­pris­ing gap between the two tech com­pa­nies.

MIT is about to become the world’s first Bitcoin economy Barry...

MIT is about to become the world’s first Bitcoin economy

Barry Levine,

What would hap­pen if every under­grad­u­ate stu­dent on a cam­pus got $100 in Bit­coins? And what if that cam­pus was the end­less­ly inven­tive MIT?

Those ques­tions are behind a new Bit­coin exper­i­ment at MIT, which prides itself on…

PayPal Unveils New Logo with the Cool home Interface - Cyber...

PayPal Unveils New Logo with the Cool home Interface - Cyber Kendra - Latest Cyber Security And Tech News

Today one of the pop­u­lar online Bank­ing “Pay­Pal” have redesigned its logo. The com­pa­ny have intro­duced a slight logo for its online and mobile pay­ment ser­vice.

The new logo didn’t have much di …

PayPal Introduces New Brand Identity and Launches Global Brand Campaign

PayPal Introduces New Brand Identity and Launches Global Brand Campaign:

Payments News Editor,

PayPal has announced the introduction of a new brand identity and updated PayPal logo that it says “features a more modern and mobile-first appearance.”PayPal worked with the design firm fuseproject to develop the new logo and notes that it “flexe…

Square pins mobile payment growth on non-swipe features Lauren...

Square pins mobile payment growth on non-swipe features

Lauren Johnson,

Square broadens mobile initiativesAs Square looks to differentiate itself in an increasingly competitive mobile payment industry, the company’s launch of several new tools suggests that downplaying basic credit card swiping features will be key in…

Dark Wallet é um software feito para facilitar a lavagem de...

Dark Wallet é um software feito para facilitar a lavagem de dinheiro em Bitcoins

Daniel Junqueira,

Um grupo de ativistas radicais se prepara para lançar uma carteira de Bitcoins com objetivo em proteger a identidade das pessoas ainda mais do que o comum, o que tornaria praticamente impossível traçar as rotas da troca de dinheiro feito pelos seu…

Cash is no longer king, UK retailers tell survey By Rebecca...

Cash is no longer king, UK retailers tell survey

By Rebecca Burn-Callander, Enterprise Editor,

Cash payments cost UK retailers £17.8bn a year in accountancy errors, counterfeit notes and theft, according to new research, spurring a move towards alternate payment methods

UK retail­ers spend £17.8bn a year on pro­cess­ing cash pay­ments. As…

Why Payment Innovation Is Not Enough For By...

Why Payment Innovation Is Not Enough For Retail

By Dax Dasil­va Once a key dif­fer­en­tia­tor, mobile pay­ments are fast becom­ing a com­mod­i­ty and are wide­ly used by retail­ers. Yan­kee Group found that 61 per­cent of large mer­chants already u …