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sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

18-Year-Old Reports $1 Million Bitcoin Theft From...

18-Year-Old Reports $1 Million Bitcoin Theft From ‘Bank’ He Controlled — And Says He Can’t Call The Cops

Jim Edwards,

An 18-year-old Aus­tralian says that he has had $1 mil­lion in Bit­coin stolen from the Bit­coin “bank” he was run­ning, but he can­not go to the police because he wor­ries that giv­ing author­i­ties the keys to inves­ti­gate the case is the same …

As Mobile Payments Should Chim­pChange is an...

As Mobile Payments Should Be

Chim­pChange is an app based, web inte­grat­ed mobile pay­ments start-up look­ing to improve the way the younger gen­er­a­tion move money between each other.

Square launches Cash, a peer-to-peer payments service that’s...

Square launches Cash, a peer-to-peer payments service that’s incredibly simple to use

Kevin Fitchard,

Square offi­cial­ly took the wraps off its planned peer-to-peer pay­ments ser­vice Square Cash today, and the results are quite impres­sive — it isn’t just cre­at­ing a Pay­Pal clone. It’s stream­lined the trans­ac­tion to a bare min­i­mum of two…

quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2014

Hired Raises $15M Series A At Valuation Around $60M Billy...

Hired Raises $15M Series A At Valuation Around $60M

Billy Gallagher,

Hired, a start­up aim­ing to make hir­ing employ­ees and find­ing a job eas­i­er and more effi­cient, has raised a $15 mil­lion Series A round led by Crosslink and Sier­ra Ven­tures with par­tic­i­pa­tion from Soft­Tech and Sher­pa Ven­tures.…

Your startup might be your baby, but your employees...

Your startup might be your baby, but your employees aren’t

Lauren Lee Anderson,

Run­ning a com­pa­ny can often feel like car­ing for a new­born child. There is a nat­ur­al and healthy fear that aris­es that if you are not eter­nal­ly vig­i­lant then some­thing bad will hap­pen.

With a baby, this is called good par­ent­ing.…

Oink helps parents monitor and control their kid’s in-app...

Oink helps parents monitor and control their kid’s in-app purchases

Emily Price,

A 13-year-old with access to his par­ent’s iTunes account can poten­tial­ly rack up a siz­able bill in an after­noon of Candy Crush — a tab mom might poten­tial­ly refuse to pay because she didn’t autho­rize the pur­chase. Pay­ments com­pa…

The 39 Most Valuable Startups In The World Megan Rose Dickey,...

The 39 Most Valuable Startups In The World

Megan Rose Dickey,

Ven­ture cap­i­tal­ists and investors are con­tin­u­ing to pour money into star­tups.

Ear­li­er this year, the Wall Street Jour­nal released a report of more than 30 star­tups from the U.S., China, and Europe that are val­ued at $1 bil­lion or…

Mobile Workforce Startup Gigwalk Pivots, Raises $10M From Nokia...

Mobile Workforce Startup Gigwalk Pivots, Raises $10M From Nokia And Others

Leena Rao,

Exclu­sive: Gig­walk, a mobile app that allows con­sumer pack­aged goods (CPG) com­pa­nies to enable a mobile work­force, has raised $10 mil­lion from Nokia Growth Part­ners (NGP), new investor Rand­stad Hold­ing NV and exist­ing investors…

Brand Advocacy Startup Crowdtap Raises Another $5M Anthony Ha,...

Brand Advocacy Startup Crowdtap Raises Another $5M

Anthony Ha,

Crowd­tap, a start­up that con­nects brands with con­sumers to spur the cre­ation of pro­mo­tion­al social media con­tent, is announc­ing that it has raised $5 mil­lion in Series B fund­ing.

The com­pa­ny announced its $7 mil­lion Series A back …

Anti-Social Networking App Helps You Avoid Friends You...

Anti-Social Networking App Helps You Avoid Friends You Don’t Like

Karissa Bell,

A new app claims to be the social net­work for the anti-social.

While most social media apps focus on help­ing you get clos­er to your friends, Cloak uses loca­tion data to make it eas­i­er for you to avoid your con­nec­tions.

The app pulls in…

Russian Search Giant Yandex Acquires Low-Power Mobile...

Russian Search Giant Yandex Acquires Low-Power Mobile Geolocation Startup KitLocate

Natasha Lomas,

Rus­sia’s search giant Yan­dex, which is increas­ing­ly rolling into new areas as a way to con­tin­ue expand­ing its busi­ness, has made a small acqui­si­tion — to the tune of “sev­er­al mil­lion euros” — focused on mobile loca­tion ser­vices. It’…

Dropbox Acquires Zulip, A Stealthy Workplace Chat Solution Still...

Dropbox Acquires Zulip, A Stealthy Workplace Chat Solution Still In Private Beta

Sarah Perez,

Drop­box has qui­et­ly acquired Zulip, the mak­ers of a work­place chat solu­tion for desk­top and mobile, which had yet to pub­licly launch. Though still in pri­vate beta at the time of the acqui­si­tion, Zulip had already devel­oped a suite of…

Dogecoin Foundation is raising 40,000,000 DOGE for clean water...

Dogecoin Foundation is raising 40,000,000 DOGE for clean water in Kenya

doge4water is a com­mu­ni­ty dri­ven project to help make a real world impact using the vir­tu­al cur­ren­cy called Doge­coin. Our user base of 70,000 red­di­tors and 20-30,000 other users help to tur …

Apple has all the ingredients to cook up a massive mobile...

Apple has all the ingredients to cook up a massive mobile payment system, Morgan Stanley says

Richard Byrne Reilly,

Apple may be gear­ing up to build its own pro­pri­etary mobile pay­ment sys­tem.

That’s accord­ing to a study titled “Mobile Pay­ments — Blue Paper Revis­it, EMV in Focus” from Mor­gan Stan­ley’s Research group in Europe. The study was obtained …

Facebook Can Now Track Your Precise Location Continuously...

Facebook Can Now Track Your Precise Location Continuously Through Your Phone

Jim Edwards,

Today, Face­book launch­es a new func­tion for its Android and iPhone apps called “Near­by Friends,” which allows users to track each oth­ers’ loca­tions con­tin­u­ous­ly down to the near­est half mile or — if you choose — as near to your pre­cise…

A nova moeda do Bradesco e Banco do Brasil para o mercado de...

A nova moeda do Bradesco e Banco do Brasil para o mercado de pagamentos

Uma semana após o Santander anunciar a compra da totalidade da GetNet e ter movimentado o setor de meios de pagamento, a concorrência não deixou barato. O Bradesco e o Banco do Brasil, em parceria com a Cielo, lançaram, nesta quarta-feira 16, a…

Bancos acirram a concorrência no mercado de pagamentos...

Bancos acirram a concorrência no mercado de pagamentos online

A criação da Stelo, empresa de pagamentos online que reúne Bradesco, Banco do Brasil e Cielo, marca a entrada dos bancos brasileiros nessa que é uma das áreas mais promissoras da internet. Esses três gigantes do mercado financeiro vão enfrentar um…

terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2014

Contactless vs. cash: The three C’s

Contactless vs. cash: The three C’s:

Guest Author,

Only a few years ago, you would have most likely paid for your morning coffee with cash. And why not? Who would pull out a card, swipe, wait for it to be processed and sign a receipt when they could just use a $5 note?Fortunately, the coffe…

London buses will go cashless on 6 July Kashmira Gander,...

London buses will go cashless on 6 July

Kashmira Gander,

TfL made the announcement after it held a consulation on the idea last year

From 6 July it will no longer be pos­si­ble to hop on a Lon­don bus and pay with cash, the cap­i­tal’s trans­port body has co …

Financial Inclusion: Is The Next Big Thing One Electronic Payment Away?

Financial Inclusion: Is The Next Big Thing One Electronic Payment Away?:

Amy Rosen,

With world mar­kets grow­ing and tech­nol­o­gy and trav­el pulling us all clos­er togeth­er in an eco­nom­ic patch­work, too many peo­ple are sit­ting on the side­lines, idle. Most often, those on the side­lines are young peo­ple, women and…

Mobile Payment

Mobile Payment:

Mobile pay­ment ser­vice pre­pares to launch

York­shire Post

Sim­i­lar mobile pay­ment ser­vices already exist, but the Pay­ments Coun­cil, which is over­see­ing the ini­tia­tive, says this is the first …

Will Apple’s first maneuver in mobile payment checkmate...

Will Apple’s first maneuver in mobile payment checkmate competitors?


No other com­pa­ny is as close­ly exam­ined and observed as Apple. With all eyes on each move it takes, there is cer­tain­ly room for all kinds of rumors and spec­u­la­tion that fuel again news and im …

Mobile Payment Systems | Edmonton Business Community, Startups...

Mobile Payment Systems | Edmonton Business Community, Startups & Entrepreneurs

Alpana Mandal,

Desk­tops are already dying a bru­tal death at the hands of hand held devices and looks like lap­tops are next. The bank­ing space has evolved from tra­di­tion­al bank­ing prac­tices to net bank­ing a …

Facebook quer oferecer serviços financeiros on-line

Facebook quer oferecer serviços financeiros on-line:

O Facebook se prepara para oferecer serviços financeiros aos usuários da rede social, de acordo com o jornal Financial Times. A rede social mais popular do mundo aguarda a aprovação do Banco Central da Irlanda para lançar uma ferramenta que permit…

Entusiasta do Bitcoin, Charlie Shrem é indiciado por lavagem de dinheiro

Entusiasta do Bitcoin, Charlie Shrem é indiciado por lavagem de dinheiro:

NOVA YORK, 14 Abr (Reuters) - O proemi­nen­te em­pre­sá­rio de Bit­coin Char­lie Shrem foi in­di­cia­do por um júri fe­de­ral em Nova York acu­sa­do de la­va­gem de din­hei­ro para o site ilí­ci­to Silk Road.

Shrem, con­he­ci­do como um dos…

Facebook prestes a se tornar um PayPal? Kaluan Bernardo,...

Facebook prestes a se tornar um PayPal?

Kaluan Bernardo,

O Facebook estaria trabalhando para lançar um serviço onde os usuários podem armazenar e transferir dinheiro entre si. A informação é do Financial Times, que diz que a rede social está próxima de conquistar aprovação na Irlanda, onde várias das…

quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2014

Estudo: Brasileiros compraram 68 smartphones por minuto em...

Estudo: Brasileiros compraram 68 smartphones por minuto em 2013


Um estudo divulgado pela consultoria IDC mostra que, em 2013, os brasileiros compraram 68 smartphones a cada minuto! No ano passado, esses modelos inteligentes superaram pela primeira vez os aparelhos simples (chamados feature phones): 35,6 milhõe…

Global Mobile POS Market to Double This Year

Global Mobile POS Market to Double This Year:

Michael E,

But the larger enterprises predominantly use Windows for the POS; and thus, Microsoft Windows 8 and also more ruggedized devices have a much greater opportunity against Apple as the devices are adopted across hundreds or thousands of stores and mu…

Absa Payment Pebble launches

Absa Payment Pebble launches:

Staff Writer,

Absa has officially launched its long-awaited Payment Pebble, bringing its mobile payments offering to merchant-held smartphones and tablets.

Retailers push into crowded mobile payment market

Retailers push into crowded mobile payment market:

The fiercely competitive and growing mobile payment market that promises to cut transaction costs and increase customer loyalty.

Mobile is lead driver for changes in payments...

Mobile is lead driver for changes in payments technology

By the Electronic Transactions Association Staff According to the recent IMRG Capgemini Quarterly Benchmarking Study, a third (32 percent) of all online sales were made over mobile devices between …

Read more…

Payment Technology: If it Ain’t Broke… Start an Entire Industry...

Payment Technology: If it Ain’t Broke… Start an Entire Industry to Fix it.

Michael Boland,

Mobile payments is an exciting area of cultural and technological disruption, and at the same time a solution in search of a problem. Somewhere in all the excitement, we seem to have forgotten that paying for things with cash or credit card ain’t…

Mobile payment 2015

Mobile payment 2015:


Mobile Pay­ments Today recent­ly released this info­graph­ic to show how mobile pay­ments are being applied today. Con­sumers are already embrac­ing the tech­nol­o­gy and want to make it a part of the …

Inadimplência sobe 4,2% em março, aponta Serasa

Inadimplência sobe 4,2% em março, aponta Serasa:

A inadimplência do consumidor no Brasil subiu 4,2% em março ante fevereiro, ainda influenciada pelo acúmulo de contas do primeiro trimestre, informou a Serasa Experian nesta quinta-feira. Já na comparação com março de 2013, o índice recuou 1,8%, a…

Contactless vs. cash: The three C’s

Contactless vs. cash: The three C’s:

Guest Author,

Only a few years ago, you would have most likely paid for your morning coffee with cash. And why not? Who would pull out a card, swipe, wait for it to be processed and sign a receipt when they could just use a $5 note?Fortunately, the coffe…

segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2014

Santander compra Getnet por R$ 1 bilhã O...

Santander compra Getnet por R$ 1 bilhão

O Santander Brasil anunciou, nessa segunda-feira 7, um acordo de compra da GetNet, companhia de processamento e adquirência, que faz transações com cartões de crédito e débito, por R$ 1,1 bilhão. Ambas as empresas já eram parceiras desde 2010, por…

Estudo: Brasileiros compraram 68 smartphones por minuto em...

Estudo: Brasileiros compraram 68 smartphones por minuto em 2013


Um estudo divulgado pela consultoria IDC mostra que, em 2013, os brasileiros compraram 68 smartphones a cada minuto! No ano passado, esses modelos inteligentes superaram pela primeira vez os aparelhos simples (chamados feature phones): 35,6 milhõe…

Absa Payment Pebble launches

Absa Payment Pebble launches:

Staff Writer,

Absa has officially launched its long-awaited Payment Pebble, bringing its mobile payments offering to merchant-held smartphones and tablets.

Payment Technology: If it Ain’t Broke… Start an Entire Industry...

Payment Technology: If it Ain’t Broke… Start an Entire Industry to Fix it.

Michael Boland,

Mobile payments is an exciting area of cultural and technological disruption, and at the same time a solution in search of a problem. Somewhere in all the excitement, we seem to have forgotten that paying for things with cash or credit card ain’t…

Mobile payment 2015

Mobile payment 2015:


Mobile Pay­ments Today recent­ly released this info­graph­ic to show how mobile pay­ments are being applied today. Con­sumers are already embrac­ing the tech­nol­o­gy and want to make it a part of the …

Global Mobile POS Market to Double This Year

Global Mobile POS Market to Double This Year:

Michael E,

But the larger enterprises predominantly use Windows for the POS; and thus, Microsoft Windows 8 and also more ruggedized devices have a much greater opportunity against Apple as the devices are adopted across hundreds or thousands of stores and mu…

Mobile is lead driver for changes in payments...

Mobile is lead driver for changes in payments technology

By the Electronic Transactions Association Staff According to the recent IMRG Capgemini Quarterly Benchmarking Study, a third (32 percent) of all online sales were made over mobile devices between …

Read more…

Retailers push into crowded mobile payment market

Retailers push into crowded mobile payment market:

The fiercely competitive and growing mobile payment market that promises to cut transaction costs and increase customer loyalty.

domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

Oito tendências que o mercado de pagamentos projeta para 2014 no...

Oito tendências que o mercado de pagamentos projeta para 2014 no Brasil


Por Max Ciqueira*O mercado brasileiro de cartões de crédito e débito mais uma vez obteve resultados expressivos em 2013. De acordo com a Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Cartão de Crédito e Serviços (Abecs), o movimento financeiro deve…

Skype lança cartões pré-pagos no Brasil por R$ 27,00 MJ,...

Skype lança cartões pré-pagos no Brasil por R$ 27,00


O Skype lançou hoje no Brasil cartões pré-pagos para o serviço. Os cartões Skype serão vendidos inicialmente em redes de varejo nacionais, incluindo a Livraria Saraiva, a Livraria Cultura e a rede de lojas de vídeo 100% Vídeo. O preço foi fixado e…

Falida, empresa de câmbio virtual encontra US$ 116 milhões em Bitcoin

Falida, empresa de câmbio virtual encontra US$ 116 milhões em Bitcoin:

A MtGox anunciou ter descoberto uma carteira virtual antiga com 200 mil Bitcoins, o equivalente a cerca de US$ 116 milhões. O valor ainda está bem distante do quase meio bilhão de dólares que a empresa diz ter perdido num golpe, mas já é alguma…

Aussies to ditch physical wallets for mobiles by 2021 - CBA

Aussies to ditch physical wallets for mobiles by 2021 - CBA:

Mobile wallets will have replaced their leather counterparts in Australia by 2021, research commissioned by CommBank suggests.

Marc Andreessen Is Going To Invest ‘Hundreds Of...

Marc Andreessen Is Going To Invest ‘Hundreds Of Millions’ More Dollars In Bitcoin

Rob Wile,

The Wall Street Jour­nal’s Gre­go­ry Zuck­er­man reports Andreessen Horowitz plans to invest “hun­dreds of mil­lions” more dol­lars in Bitcoin-related busi­ness­es, on top of the $50 mil­lion they have already dropped, most­ly on…

Bitcoin exchange Vircurex freezes withdrawals, hoping for fresh...

Bitcoin exchange Vircurex freezes withdrawals, hoping for fresh influx of customers

David Meyer,

Vir­curex, a Beijing-based alt­coin exchange, has frozen with­drawals after, you guessed it, thiev­ing hack­ers made off with its bit­coins, lite­coins, ter­ra­coins and feath­er­coins. The exchange is pret­ty small, but its strat­e­gy for deal­in…

China’s trillion dollar mobile payments industry is under...

China’s trillion dollar mobile payments industry is under attack

Lily Kuo,

Things aren’t look­ing great for Chi­nese firms work­ing in the world of mobile pay­ments. The fast-growing tril­lion dol­lar indus­try—which includes online invest­ment funds, vir­tu­al cred­it cards, and e-com­merce–is fac­ing new pres­sure from…

Indonesian villa sold for $600,000 worth of...

Indonesian villa sold for $600,000 worth of Bitcoins

A villa on the Indonesian island of Bali has been sold for roughly $600,000 worth of Bitcoins

An anony­mous buyer from Texas, US, has bought a villa in Bali for an esti­mat­ed 1,000 Bit­coin, the equiv­a­lent of approx­i­mate­ly…

Alibaba rejects claim online payment system is...

Alibaba rejects claim online payment system is illegal

China’s Ali­pay, a fast, online pay­ment ser­vice run by Aliba­ba Group Hold­ing, denied an accu­sa­tion by Indus­tri­al and Com­mer­cial Bank of ­China that its ser­vice is ille­gal because it doesn’ …

Commonwealth Bank takes early punt on mPOS

Commonwealth Bank takes early punt on mPOS:

Arnie Cho,

Australian banks are being threatened by smaller companies that are entering the market with innovative payment acquiring solutions like mPOS. Although the uptake for such services remains small, Commonwealth Bank Australia is already investing to…

The Technology That Makes Public Transport a Dream to Use…

The Technology That Makes Public Transport a Dream to Use…:

Sam Volkering,

This weekend I caught a bus.I also caught a taxi and a train.I walked for a bit too.Now this might sound pretty normal, because it is. But while using the various modes of transport I took a moment to realise the importance of…

Reducing Crime by Removing Cash from the Streets Through...

Reducing Crime by Removing Cash from the Streets Through EBT

Richard Wright,

Richard Wright is Curators’ Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Missouri-St.LouisRecently, our research team – made up of criminologists and economists – released a study that we believe helps to explai…

In Egypt, high hopes for mobile wallets By Erik Heinrich,...

In Egypt, high hopes for mobile wallets

By Erik Heinrich,

North Africa and the Mid­dle East have been slug­gish to join the mobile money rev­o­lu­tion, a move­ment that is trans­form­ing economies and deliv­er­ing finan­cial inclu­sion to the unbanked across the devel­op­ing world.

That’s par­tic­u­lar…

First There Was Cash-for-Assets – Could WFP’s New E-Payments...

First There Was Cash-for-Assets – Could WFP’s New E-Payments Model be Scaled Up Too?


Kenya has been hailed as one of the developing world’s leaders in electronic payments. So it should come as no surprise that a sparsely populated, dusty village 500 kilometres from Nairobi is home to a pilot project testing whether an electronic…

Banrisul entra de vez na briga das...

Banrisul entra de vez na briga das maquininhas

Há um ano, a divisão de cartões do gaúcho Banrisul, presidida por Bolívar Moura Neto, lançou uma rede de adquirência em seu estado natal que movimentou R$ 10 bilhões, em 2013. De olho no potencial desse mercado em todo o País, o banco redesenhou a…

Big Names Crowd The Mobile-Payment Market – But Only One Will...

Big Names Crowd The Mobile-Payment Market – But Only One Will Become The Industry Standard


BERLIN (Reuters) - Big retail­ers are muscling in on the likes of Visa, Mas­ter­Card and Google in a fierce­ly com­pet­i­tive and grow­ing mobile pay­ment mar­ket that promis­es to cut trans­ac­tion costs and increase cus­tomer loy­al­ty.
