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quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2014

Bitcoin exchange Vircurex freezes withdrawals, hoping for fresh...

Bitcoin exchange Vircurex freezes withdrawals, hoping for fresh influx of customers

David Meyer,

Vir­curex, a Beijing-based alt­coin exchange, has frozen with­drawals after, you guessed it, thiev­ing hack­ers made off with its bit­coins, lite­coins, ter­ra­coins and feath­er­coins. The exchange is pret­ty small, but its strat­e­gy for deal­in…

China’s trillion dollar mobile payments industry is under...

China’s trillion dollar mobile payments industry is under attack

Lily Kuo,

Things aren’t look­ing great for Chi­nese firms work­ing in the world of mobile pay­ments. The fast-growing tril­lion dol­lar indus­try—which includes online invest­ment funds, vir­tu­al cred­it cards, and e-com­merce–is fac­ing new pres­sure from…

Commonwealth Bank takes early punt on mPOS

Commonwealth Bank takes early punt on mPOS:

Arnie Cho,

Australian banks are being threatened by smaller companies that are entering the market with innovative payment acquiring solutions like mPOS. Although the uptake for such services remains small, Commonwealth Bank Australia is already investing to…

Alibaba rejects claim online payment system is...

Alibaba rejects claim online payment system is illegal

China’s Ali­pay, a fast, online pay­ment ser­vice run by Aliba­ba Group Hold­ing, denied an accu­sa­tion by Indus­tri­al and Com­mer­cial Bank of ­China that its ser­vice is ille­gal because it doesn’ …

Commonwealth Bank takes early punt on mPOS

Commonwealth Bank takes early punt on mPOS:

Arnie Cho,

Australian banks are being threatened by smaller companies that are entering the market with innovative payment acquiring solutions like mPOS. Although the uptake for such services remains small, Commonwealth Bank Australia is already investing to…

Alibaba rejects claim online payment system is...

Alibaba rejects claim online payment system is illegal

China’s Ali­pay, a fast, online pay­ment ser­vice run by Aliba­ba Group Hold­ing, denied an accu­sa­tion by Indus­tri­al and Com­mer­cial Bank of ­China that its ser­vice is ille­gal because it doesn’ …

Indonesian villa sold for $600,000 worth of...

Indonesian villa sold for $600,000 worth of Bitcoins

A villa on the Indonesian island of Bali has been sold for roughly $600,000 worth of Bitcoins

An anony­mous buyer from Texas, US, has bought a villa in Bali for an esti­mat­ed 1,000 Bit­coin, the equiv­a­lent of approx­i­mate­ly…

sexta-feira, 21 de março de 2014

Will wearable devices be the next tool for mobile...

Will wearable devices be the next tool for mobile payments?

Con­sumers will con­tin­ue to see the con­ve­nience fac­tor play­ing a key role and shap­ing the pay­ment indus­try says Mas­ter­Card offi­cial

Facebook Security Director, Amazon BD Director Join Bitcoin...

Facebook Security Director, Amazon BD Director Join Bitcoin Startup Coinbase

Alex Wilhelm,

Ryan McGee­han has recent­ly announced on Face­book, fit­ting­ly, that he is leav­ing his role at Face­book as its Direc­tor of Secu­ri­ty Inci­dent Response, and tak­ing up a security-related role at Coin­base.

His job, accord­ing to his post­i…

Oito tendências que o mercado de pagamentos projeta para 2014 no...

Oito tendências que o mercado de pagamentos projeta para 2014 no Brasil


Por Max Ciqueira*O mercado brasileiro de cartões de crédito e débito mais uma vez obteve resultados expressivos em 2013. De acordo com a Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Cartão de Crédito e Serviços (Abecs), o movimento financeiro deve…

Skype lança cartões pré-pagos no Brasil por R$ 27,00 MJ,...

Skype lança cartões pré-pagos no Brasil por R$ 27,00


O Skype lançou hoje no Brasil cartões pré-pagos para o serviço. Os cartões Skype serão vendidos inicialmente em redes de varejo nacionais, incluindo a Livraria Saraiva, a Livraria Cultura e a rede de lojas de vídeo 100% Vídeo. O preço foi fixado e…

Unbanked in Africa See Inclusion through Mobile Financial...

Unbanked in Africa See Inclusion through Mobile Financial Services

Aaron Oliver,

Extending the benefits of electronic payments to people who have been financially excluded is especially important in Africa, where less than a quarter of adults have a financial product or bank account with a formal financial institution, …

quinta-feira, 20 de março de 2014

Court freezes Mt. Gox assets in US, lawyers dig into the case of...

Court freezes Mt. Gox assets in US, lawyers dig into the case of the missing Bitcoins

Nicole Lee,

A US Dis­trict Court for the North­ern Dis­trict of Illi­nois has just grant­ed a tem­po­rary restrain­ing order to freeze all US assets of Mt. Gox, Tibanne KK and Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpe­les as part of an effort to find out exact­ly what caused th…

Production Of Pennies, Nickels Cost Taxpayers $105 Million In...

Production Of Pennies, Nickels Cost Taxpayers $105 Million In 2013

Ashlee Kieler,

(frankieleon)We all know that old coins can be very valuable and that saving your change adds up. But did you know that minting the low-value currency creates quite a tab for U.S. taxpayers? That’s because the cost to produce pennies and nickels i…

Why Aren’t People Freaking Out About iBeacon? Mike Elgan,...

Why Aren’t People Freaking Out About iBeacon?

Mike Elgan,

The new iOS 7.1, which Apple launched this week, con­tained mas­sive­ly improved iBea­con func­tion­al­i­ty.

Among these improve­ments is that Apple has can­celled an ele­ment of user per­mis­sion. Once you’ve installed a store’s app — say, for…

Bitcoin revelation under scrutiny By Andrea Chang,...

Bitcoin revelation under scrutiny

By Andrea Chang,

Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto, whom Newsweek dubbed ‘the face behind bitcoin,’ hires an attorney in a bid to ‘clear my name.’

Newsweek’s block­buster claim that it had found the cre­ator of the bit­coin vir­tu­al cur­ren­cy is com­ing under intense…

Bitcoin, credit cards, and the rise of a cashless economy By...

Bitcoin, credit cards, and the rise of a cashless economy

By Mark Pothier,

I’m ready to get rid of my money. By money, I mean cash. It’s a dusty holdover from anoth­er age, like VCR tape in a stream­ing world. For me and many oth­ers, cash has gone from being an every­day ne …

Ann Cairns on the growth of credit card use in emerging economies | Mastercard | Video

Ann Cairns on the growth of credit card use in emerging economies | Mastercard | Video:

Jess O’Connor,

The growth of credit card use in emerging economies signals continuing development of these markets. But how can we understand what different countries need when it comes to financial inclusion? Ann Cairns, President of International Markets for…

Food Kiosk Stops the Cash-Only Trend on Rio de Janeiro’s...

Food Kiosk Stops the Cash-Only Trend on Rio de Janeiro’s Copacabana Beach

Mauro Joppert,

Mauro Joppert is the small business owner of Coisa de Carioca. His food kiosk was the first to accept electronic payments on the Copacabana beach. Here he shares his Cashless Pioneer story with MasterCard. Even though “Coisa de Carioca” was…

Will wearable devices be the next tool for mobile...

Will wearable devices be the next tool for mobile payments?

Con­sumers will con­tin­ue to see the con­ve­nience fac­tor play­ing a key role and shap­ing the pay­ment indus­try says Mas­ter­Card offi­cial

Cash-Is-King Lifestyle Targeted as Nigeria Pushes Plastic By...

Cash-Is-King Lifestyle Targeted as Nigeria Pushes Plastic

By Chris Kay,

It was real­ly noth­ing more than a rou­tine after­noon stroll in a Lagos shop­ping mall. Abi­o­la Rasaq, a 30-year-old equi­ty ana­lyst, took some friends to lunch at Ken­tucky Fried Chick­en and bou …

sábado, 15 de março de 2014

Apple pode estar testando uma solução própria para pagamentos...

Apple pode estar testando uma solução própria para pagamentos com o celular


Pagar compras com o próprio celular, sem precisar ter à mão a sua carteira ou um cartão de crédito, é algo que o mercado está correndo atrás já há alguns anos. Estudos estão sendo feitos e diversas tentativas já foram testadas (com ou sem o uso da…

Court freezes Mt. Gox assets in US, lawyers dig into the case of...

Court freezes Mt. Gox assets in US, lawyers dig into the case of the missing Bitcoins

Nicole Lee,

A US Dis­trict Court for the North­ern Dis­trict of Illi­nois has just grant­ed a tem­po­rary restrain­ing order to freeze all US assets of Mt. Gox, Tibanne KK and Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpe­les as part of an effort to find out exact­ly what caused th…

Production Of Pennies, Nickels Cost Taxpayers $105 Million In...

Production Of Pennies, Nickels Cost Taxpayers $105 Million In 2013

Ashlee Kieler,

(frankieleon)We all know that old coins can be very valuable and that saving your change adds up. But did you know that minting the low-value currency creates quite a tab for U.S. taxpayers? That’s because the cost to produce pennies and nickels i…

quarta-feira, 12 de março de 2014

In China, tech firms are issuing virtual credit cards to make...

In China, tech firms are issuing virtual credit cards to make online shopping easier

Emil Protalinski,

In China, tech firms are mak­ing it eas­i­er for con­sumers than ever before to shop and pur­chase goods online.

Rather than requir­ing you to have a tra­di­tion­al cred­it card applied via banks, Chi­nese e-com­merce giant Aliba­ba announced th…

Court freezes Mt. Gox assets in US, lawyers dig into the case of...

Court freezes Mt. Gox assets in US, lawyers dig into the case of the missing Bitcoins

Nicole Lee,

A US Dis­trict Court for the North­ern Dis­trict of Illi­nois has just grant­ed a tem­po­rary restrain­ing order to freeze all US assets of Mt. Gox, Tibanne KK and Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpe­les as part of an effort to find out exact­ly what caused th…

segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2014

Google’s Jared Cohen: It’s “Obvious” Bitcoin-Like Currencies Are...

Google’s Jared Cohen: It’s “Obvious” Bitcoin-Like Currencies Are “Inevitable”

Gregory Ferenstein,

Google Direc­tor of Ideas and for­mer tech­nol­o­gy advi­sor to for­mer Sec­re­tary of State Hillary Clin­ton, Jared Cohen, says that dig­i­tal “crypto-currencies” like Bit­coin are here to stay. “I think it’s very obvi­ous to all of us that…

PayPal Is Rolling Out Its New “Mobile First” Website...

PayPal Is Rolling Out Its New “Mobile First” Website Globally

Ingrid Lunden,

Pay­Pal, the eBay-owned online pay­ments plat­form that made up some 40% of its $16 bil­lion in rev­enues in 2013, has turned on a redesigned web­site — it’s biggest attempt yet at putting a con­tem­po­rary, sim­pli­fied face on one of the older…

Agora é a hora da Por que a enorme aposta do...

Agora é a hora da rede

Por que a enorme aposta do WalMart no e-commerce brasileiro será decisiva para o futuro das compras online no país – e para a sobrevivência da maior varejista do mundo

Por que a enorme aposta do WalMar …

Expansion of PayPal Startup Program Shows Landscape Heating Up

Expansion of PayPal Startup Program Shows Landscape Heating Up:

Linda Lacina,

At Austin’s SXSW today, Pay­Pal announced an expan­sion to the Start­up Blue­print Pro­gram it launched last Octo­ber, the ini­tia­tive that waives the first $50,000 in Pay­Pal pro­cess­ing fees for select­ed U.S.-based star­tups.

The expan­sion…

Inside America’s First Bitcoin-Friendly Gun Store Andy...

Inside America’s First Bitcoin-Friendly Gun Store

Andy Greenberg,

Bit­coin has long been the cur­ren­cy of choice for the dark web’s anony­mous black mar­ket trade in firearms. Now Michael Cargill wants to offer Bit­coin fans a more legal way to buy a dead­ly weapon with cryp­tocur­ren­cy.

In Jan­u­ary, Cargil…

domingo, 9 de março de 2014

2013: The year we all went ‘mobile’ By Matthew Wall...

2013: The year we all went ‘mobile’

By Matthew Wall Business reporter, BBC News,

This year was the year we all went mobile. And we’re not just talking smartphones and tablets.

We’re talk­ing mobile work­forces stay­ing con­nect­ed in and out of the office and using their devices fo …

Payments Startup Stripe Lands $80 Million Investment Ahead of...

Payments Startup Stripe Lands $80 Million Investment Ahead of Twitter Partnership

Jason Del Rey,

Stripe, the San Francisco-based payments startup founded by two 20-something brothers, has raised an $80 million investment, the company said this evening. The Series C investment, which brings the company’s total funding to $120 million, valued t…

Bitcoin is acting like a real currency now: it suffers shocks...

Bitcoin is acting like a real currency now: it suffers shocks but doesn’t collapse

Jeff John Roberts,

The lat­est news from the Bit­coin world involves more alle­ga­tions of theft and skull­dug­gery, but this time there’s a twist: investors aren’t send­ing the vir­tu­al cur­ren­cy into a Justin Bieber-style free fall. Instead, Bit­coin is behav­in…

Technology Innovations Drive Growth of Cashless Payments in...

Technology Innovations Drive Growth of Cashless Payments in Africa

Marc Carolus,

I recently participated in the Africa Frontiers Forum, a panel discussion hosted by Frontier Advisory, which focused on how technology is changing financial services in Africa. While the panel discussion was robust, a few salient the…

11 Mobile Payment Solutions

11 Mobile Payment Solutions:

Sig Ueland,

Whether you’re an ecommerce merchant or you run a brick-and-mortar shop, eventually you will need a solution for mobile commerce. Here is a list of mobile payment solutions. There are mobile payment platforms for digital wallets, smartphone apps w…

Why financial inclusion matters admin, Type...

Why financial inclusion matters


Type “Banks are___” into Google and one of the first autocomplete suggestions is “Banks are evil.”So why are global leaders trying to connect the 2.5 billion people who do not have access to a savings account or other financial services to the for…

Sneak peek of ATM Bulletin #21 on Financial Inclusion Johannes...

Sneak peek of ATM Bulletin #21 on Financial Inclusion

Johannes Loh,

The next Asian Trends Monitoring Bulletin will be released on Monday, September 16th. We show you a preview of some of the data and survey findings that will be published in Bulletin #21: We are looking forward to your feedback on ATM Bulletin #21…

How Credit-Card Debt Can Help the Poor

How Credit-Card Debt Can Help the Poor:


Last Octo­ber, Jef­frey Shavers, a hotel main­te­nance work­er in Chica­go, took out an extreme­ly unusu­al $300 loan. Shavers might have liked to use the money to visit his daugh­ter, a col­lege stu­dent in New Orleans, or to buy his 10-year-old …

Mobile banking spreading to Asia and Latin America

Mobile banking spreading to Asia and Latin America:

Phone-based services are still growing in Africa but are now reaching other developing regions, too, reveals report.

Simple Usability Issues Impede the Reach of Mobile Financial...

Simple Usability Issues Impede the Reach of Mobile Financial Services

William Neuheisel,

Camilla NestorFinancial service providers see great potential in using mobile money to drive outreach and scale. Mobile operators have aggressive strategies to increase market share by capturing new subscribers, which requires deeply penetrating t…

Including 2 Billion New Clients Into the Banking System - Microfinance - Credit Suisse

Including 2 Billion New Clients Into the Banking System - Microfinance - Credit Suisse:


Including 2 Billion New Clients Into the Banking System

The goal of the Finan­cial Inclu­sion 2020 cam­paign is ambi­tious: to include the 2.5 bil­lion adults world­wide cur­rent­ly out­sid …

Mobile Microinsurance Products and Financial Capability Center...

Mobile Microinsurance Products and Financial Capability

Center for Financial Inclusion,

> Posted by Richard Leftley, Chief Executive Officer, MicroEnsureThe Financial Inclusion 2020 campaign at the Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion is building a movement toward full financial inclusion by 2020. This blog series…

Jake Kendall and Rodger Voorhies | How Cell Phones Can Deliver Low-Cost Banking to the Poor

Jake Kendall and Rodger Voorhies | How Cell Phones Can Deliver Low-Cost Banking to the Poor:

The rough­ly 2.5 bil­lion peo­ple in the world who live on less than $2 a day are not des­tined to remain in a state of chron­ic pover­ty. Every few years, some­where between ten and 30 per­cent of th …

Financial inclusion is the way forward

Financial inclusion is the way forward:

Posted by Manjunath Padigar on Fri, Feb 21, 2014 @ 11:43 PM,

Arti­cle looks at par­a­digm shift in the def­i­n­i­tion of finan­cial inclu­sion and how banks and finan­cial insti­tu­tions can real­ize its poten­tial.

gsmammu: More #MobileMoney operators … More...

gsmammu: More #MobileMoney operators …

More #Mobile­Money oper­a­tors are recog­nis­ing the ecosys­tem oppor­tu­ni­ty #MWC14

Microfinance vs. Financial Inclusion: What’s the...

Microfinance vs. Financial Inclusion: What’s the Difference?

The Finan­cial Inclu­sion 2020 cam­paign at the Cen­ter for Finan­cial Inclu­sion at Accion is build­ing a move­ment toward full finan­cial inclu­sion by 2020. This blog series spot­lights finan­cial …

African Central banks discuss Mobile Financial Services Business

African Central banks discuss Mobile Financial Services Business:

News On Sunday,

Cen­tral bank offi­cials from across South­ern and East­ern Africa and inter­na­tion­al experts dis­cussed var­i­ous aspects of the mobile finan­cial ser­vices (MFS) and shared expe­ri­ences on reg­u­ …

Mobile Financial Service Providers Must Factor Local Differences...

Mobile Financial Service Providers Must Factor Local Differences in Access & Usability

William Neuheisel,

Debbie DeanMobile Financial Services (MFS) has received much attention as a way to further financial inclusion. But as we’ve written before, the mobile phone is not yet accessible enough to reach significant portions of the “unbanked”. Our researc…

segunda-feira, 3 de março de 2014

Palestra: Arranjos de Pagamentos - V Fórum Banco Central sobre...

AMPI Meeting to provide unique insight into mobile financial services developments in Africa

AMPI Meeting to provide unique insight into mobile financial services developments in Africa:

The 2014 African Mobile Phone Finan­cial Ser­vices Pol­i­cy Ini­tia­tive (AMPI) Lead­ers Round­table Meet­ing, which will be co-hosted by the Alliance for Finan­cial Inclu­sion (AFI) and the Cen­tral …

Making Credit Work for the Working Poor in the Dominican...

Making Credit Work for the Working Poor in the Dominican Republic

On the Brink of Finan­cial Inclu­sion

The Domini­can Repub­lic sits at a fas­ci­nat­ing cross­roads of finan­cial inclu­sion: Over the past four decades the nation’s GDP has grown 55% faster than the r …

Could India’s Unique ID be a Financial Inclusion Game-Changer?

Could India’s Unique ID be a Financial Inclusion Game-Changer?:


The Indian government’s plan to provide every resident with a unique biometrically linked identity number is an exciting development for those of us dedicated to broadening financial access to unbanked people worldwide.

Rwanda microfinance The Rwan­da Micro­fi­nance...

Rwanda microfinance magazine

The Rwan­da Micro­fi­nance Mag­a­zine issue 2 is Out! The mag­a­zine is pro­duced by the Asso­ci­a­tion of Micro­fi­nance Insti­tu­tions in Rwanda-AMIR It is intend­ed to keep mem­bers and all the sta …

A Fresh Look at Informal Finance in Chennai Center for Financial...

A Fresh Look at Informal Finance in Chennai

Center for Financial Inclusion,

> Posted by Amy Jensen Mowl and Ben Sprung-Keyser, Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR), Chennai and Harvard CollegeThere is revived interest in the role of informal credit in India, with researchers using a variety of…

My first trip to Central Asia. First impressions of Tajikistan,...

My first trip to Central Asia. First impressions of Tajikistan, world’s most remittance-dependent country (and a very big flagpole)

Duncan Green,

Spent last week in Tajikistan, my first trip to the former underbelly of the Soviet Union, aka Central Asia. I was there to help our country team think through some work on improving accountability in the water sector (more interesting than it sou…

Reinventing the Wheel: “Pass Through” Deposit Insurance coverage...

Reinventing the Wheel: “Pass Through” Deposit Insurance coverage for Mobile Money in Kenya

Brian Muthiora,

Kenya’s reg­u­la­to­ry envi­ron­ment per­mits non-banks such as Mobile Net­work Oper­a­tors (MNOs) to pro­vide basic money trans­fer and pay­ments ser­vices, much to the revul­sion of bank­ing purists …

A Big Step Forward in India’s Financial Inclusion Deliberations

A Big Step Forward in India’s Financial Inclusion Deliberations:


Guest post by Dan Radcliffe and Rodger Voorhies, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation1India faces a major financial exclusion challenge. According to the 2011 World Bank Global Findex Survey, only 35% of Indian adults have access to a formal ban…

AFI Executive Director Alfred Hannig's Opening Remarks at the 2014 AMPI Meeting

AFI Executive Director Alfred Hannig's Opening Remarks at the 2014 AMPI Meeting:

Open­ing Remarks by Alfred Han­nig, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Alliance for Finan­cial Inclu­sion, on 5 Feb­ru­ary 2014 at the 2014 African Mobile Phone Finan­cial Ser­vices Pol­i­cy Ini­tia­tive (A …

ANZ committed to banking the unbanked in Solomon Islands

ANZ committed to banking the unbanked in Solomon Islands:

Solomon Star,

ANZ remains com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing finan­cial inclu­sion in rural com­mu­ni­ties in the Solomon Islands.

A team from ANZ Solomon Islands trav­elled in Decem­ber to the Choiseul Province.

“The aim o …

Sub-Saharan Africa: A major potential revenue opportunity for...

Sub-Saharan Africa: A major potential revenue opportunity for digital payments

Sub-Saharan Africa offers tan­ta­liz­ing poten­tial for mobile finan­cial ser­vices, but as yet there have been few suc­cess sto­ries. One hur­dle has been the lack of clear num­bers on the size of th …

domingo, 2 de março de 2014

Higher mobile internet penetration and varied payment options...

Higher mobile internet penetration and varied payment options key to e-commerce success in the Philippines

Phoebe Magdirila,

E-commerce is huge in Southeast Asia, with the space receiving over US$500 million in investment in 2013. But in the Philippines there’s still a lot to be done, and mobile penetration and a lack of payment options appear to be the two obstacles in…

Higher mobile internet penetration and varied payment options...

Higher mobile internet penetration and varied payment options key to e-commerce success in the Philippines

Phoebe Magdirila,

E-commerce is huge in Southeast Asia, with the space receiving over US$500 million in investment in 2013. But in the Philippines there’s still a lot to be done, and mobile penetration and a lack of payment options appear to be the two obstacles in…

"So far Bitcoin is a bust as new payment systems go. That might come as a surprise given all the attention...

"So far Bitcoin is a bust as new payment systems go. That might come as a surprise given all the attention...:

Patrick Bay,

"So far Bitcoin is a bust as new payment systems go. That might come as a surprise given all the attention this digital currency has gotten, the many tens of millions of dollars in funding various Bitcoin-related ventures have received, and the…

Order Up! Food Businesses Find An Appetite For Bitcoin Linda...

Order Up! Food Businesses Find An Appetite For Bitcoin

Linda Poon,

Hun­gry for a Philly cheeses­teak or a hot Reuben sand­wich? That’ll be about 0.001 bit­coin, please.

From restau­rants to brew­eries, to even your local farm­ers mar­ket and lemon­ade stand, the pop­u­lar cryp­tocur­ren­cy has inched its way in…

Order Up! Food Businesses Find An Appetite For Bitcoin Linda...

Order Up! Food Businesses Find An Appetite For Bitcoin

Linda Poon,

Hun­gry for a Philly cheeses­teak or a hot Reuben sand­wich? That’ll be about 0.001 bit­coin, please.

From restau­rants to brew­eries, to even your local farm­ers mar­ket and lemon­ade stand, the pop­u­lar cryp­tocur­ren­cy has inched its way in…

How big a thing could Touch ID mobile payment be? China alone...

How big a thing could Touch ID mobile payment be? China alone hit $1.6 trillion last year

Ben Lovejoy,

With Tim Cook hav­ing as good as con­firmed that mobile pay­ment via Touch ID is on the way, num­bers released by the Peo­ple’s Bank of China and report­ed in TechN­ode pro­vide an insight into just how big the mobile pay­ment mar­ket could…